Meet Manuela Lucia, italian jewelry maker& designer

When she founded Rays&Riches it was clear that it would have to be a brand that reflects her love and reverence for mother earth and all people.
That means no compromises; all our gemstones are repurposed, our metals are recycled and ethically sourced, and we make every single piece by hand in our home in Italy. Without the use of any chemicals.
Find out how your jewelry is being made

Manuela Lucia grew up in the dolomites, in Italy spending her days in the forest with her older sister, climbing trees, rolling down the hill, barefoot whenever possible, returning home covered in mud. Crediting her love for mother nature from these early experiences.

During her solo-travels around the world, her love for this beautiful planet and its inhabitants only continued to grow and she returned with an even deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life.
Read more about our values here.